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Monthly Town Board Meeting May 16th, 2023-7pm (Public Hearing -ATV/UTV use of Cty Rds T/TT - 6pm)

Monthly Town Board meeting – May 16th, 2023 7 pm Preceded by Public Hearing on the

Use of Cty Rds T/TT at 6pm

N OTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that a Town Board of Supervisors meeting of the Town of Hortonia in the County of Outagamie, State of Wisconsin, for the transaction of business as is by law required or permitted to be transacted at such meeting, will be held at the Town Hall - W9702 Givens Rd in said Town on May 16th, 2023 7pm for the purpose of a monthly Town Board meeting. A quorum of Plan Commissioners and/or members of the Board of Appeals may be present in the gallery during the meeting. If a meeting is cancelled due to weather or other circumstance, a notice of cancellation will be left on the Town Hall's answering machine: 779-9780 and posted at the Town Hall and Website.

Further Notice is Given that the Town Board of Supervisors of the Town of Hortonia in the County of Outagamie, State of Wisconsin, will hold a Public hearing at the Town Hall - W9702 Givens Rd in said Town on May 16th, 2023 6pm for the purpose of getting input from residents of Hortonia on the purposed allowing use of ATV/UTV on Cty T/TT. A quorum of Plan Commissioners and/or members of the Board of Appeals may be present in the gallery during the meeting. If a meeting is cancelled due to weather or other circumstance, a notice of cancellation will be left on the Town Hall's answering machine: 779-9780 and posted at the Town Hall and Website. Download Agenda Below:

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TOWN HALL: 920 779-9780

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