FEE SCHEDULE The following fee schedule shall apply in the Town of Hortonia:
Liquor Licenses:
1.Combination Liquor License ........................... $150.00
2.Publication Fee................................................................. $25.00
3.Operator’s (Bartender’s) License*...................................... $25.00
*Must provide proof of recent completed of the required State Servers Certification
Tobacco/Cigarette Sales License.................................................... $20.00
Zoning Fees:
Certified Survey Map Review........................................................ $300.00
Additional fee per lot................................................................... $20.00
Special Application Meetings:
-Variance, Zoning , Conditional Use Permit, Board of Appeals.... $300.00
-Zoning Administration fees…any costs incurred above and beyond initial fee shall
be charged too the applicant. This includes research, additional staff reviews, and
legal reviews.
Outagamie County Review Fee: Any Zoning/other Application requiring submission to the County-Applicant shall be responsible for the cost of that submission. $50-$300
Right of Way Permit: $250
(For all work done in or on the right of way of a Town Road,This require an application to be submitted to the Clerk prior to start of project.)
Dog Licenses
1.Spay or neutered dog......................................................... $10.00
2.Not spay or neutered........................................................ $15.00