Monthly Town Board Mtg Date: Feb 18 10:30am
Planning Commission: Feb 25 5pm
MCC Mtg/PC Mtg-Feb 06, 6pm at HHFD Fire Hall
Agenda HERE
*Unless otherwise noticed-Meetings will be held at the Town Office at 215 W Main St Hortonville until April Town Meeting.
Dog Licenses
1.Spay or neutered dog......................................................... $5.00
2.Not spay or neutered........................................................ $10.00
Licenses may be obtained by contacting Treasurer Marilyn Martin 920-779-4872
For Animal Control issues (Lost or Loose Pets) Please Contact Nancy Willenkamp: 920-779-4815
State of WI Dog License Requirement (s 174.05)
The owner of a dog more than 5 months of age on January 1 of any year, or 5 months of age within the license year, shall pay the dog license tax and obtain a license. Proof of Current Rabies Vaccination must be provided with payment of fee.
•Dogs for blind, deaf and mobility-impaired - A dog specially trained to lead the blind or deaf or to provide support for the mobility-impaired is exempt from the dog license fee and annually must make application for a dog license and collar tag from the local collecting officer. (s 174.055)
•Dogs kept for educational or scientific purposes - A dog kept for educational or scientific purposes is exempt from paying a license fee and obtaining a license. (s 174.054)
•Dogs brought into the state temporarily - Dogs brought into the state temporarily for a period not to exceed 30 days if kept confined or on a leash shall be exempt from the license requirement. (s 174.12(5))
Dog License Fees: •Neutered Male and Spayed Female Dogs: $5.00 (Town of Hortonia)
•Unneutered Male and Unspayed Female Dogs: $10.00 (Town of Hortonia)
•Puppies that become 5 months of age after July 1: If the dog becomes 5 months of age after July 1 of the license year, the fee is one-half of these amounts. (s 174.05(2)
If a Dog is picked up by a Town official and it is NOT licensed the dog will be taken to the Outagamie County Fox Valley Humane Society( Link ) and held until proof of license is provided. Fees and penalties may be accessed daily by facility which are the responsibility of the owner to pay.